do JUSTICE | love KINDNESS | walk WITH GOD Summer 2021 This summer, we will examine the words of the prophet Micah (6:8): “What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God?” These characteristics of the faithful life,...

Staffing Changes

We’ll Miss You Thanks Bryce, for making Sonlight a better place! The economic impact of COVID-19 has forced many businesses, including Sonlight, to reduce their budgets far below what anyone could have foreseen.  One of the most difficult decisions we faced...
In Your Back Pocket

In Your Back Pocket

A member of this past summer’s staff just sent me two laminated labels from Sonlight’s signature pizza meal on Ginny’s Grill. After being stuffed in her pocket during take-down, the labels remained secreted away, silently biding their time until two months later and...
It’s Complicated

It’s Complicated

It’s Complicated I put an occasional finger to the pulse of how Christian thinkers and writers are handling the thorny questions of science (and vice versa). I have been trained both as a scientist and as a theologian, and so the intersection of the two fields...
COVID-19 Update April 10

COVID-19 Update April 10

From the Sonlight Leadership Team Emrys, Sara and Bryce In our COVID-19 afflicted world, the information we receive on keeping ourselves healthy and safe changes daily, if not hourly.  We are taking in all of the information we can from our governing bodies and...

COVID-19 Impacts for Summer 2020

March 18, 2020 To Our Sonlight Families, We are watching carefully the details of the COVID-19 pandemic and considering the ways it might affect summer camp. We have some time to plan, but we’re trying to be proactive and work out as much as we can as early as we can...

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