A member of this past summer’s staff just sent me two laminated labels from Sonlight’s signature pizza meal on Ginny’s Grill. After being stuffed in her pocket during take-down, the labels remained secreted away, silently biding their time until two months later and three states away they could turn up again. A little dose of Sonlight, lost in the pocket until just the right time.
During staff training we talk with our staff about what folks will take away from Sonlight. We talk about words of encouragement to campers who might get little encouragement from their peers or families. We talk about getting space to ask difficult questions about faith or the Christian life and to receive loving, honest answers. We talk about new friends, new experiences, overcoming new challenges, and a dawning sense that they can live with Jesus well in this world. We talk about having another place—or maybe a first place—to belong and shine with the light God has given them.
We hope that one of these things will go into their back pockets, to be pulled out a week, a month, or years after their time at Sonlight. We hope that what they have learned about God, following Jesus, or community life together will reappear at just the right time. And we pray that by such appearance the blessing of Sonlight’s ministry will equip our campers to live more faithfully, more confidently, and more beautifully in this world—which needs more faith, confidence, and beauty.
What did you put in your back pocket during your time at Sonlight? What did you pull out later at just the right time?
(Do send us your story. I’d love to hear it.)
~ emrys