
Lots of things yet to accomplish at Sonlight, Winston and Mary  look forward to the next year and beyond, and all that it will bring. The routine of retreats in the fall and winter, the joy of summer camp in 2015. Winston is well suited to being an Executive Director, as he continually thinks about “next” … next week, next season, next year … and is passionate about fine tuning all that we do at Sonlight. Mary enjoys the creative side: the creativity of great hospitality, website design, blended with the details of business administration. Sara Tyler continues as registrar, and she has picked up some of the bookeeping for Sonlight as well. She is a rock when it comes to supporting ‘all things Sonlight’. We welcome Chelsea Poest to the year round team, as she finishes up her 4th summer at Sonlight. Chelsea steps in to Heather’s shoes as Program Director. A spring graduate of Hope College in Holland, Michigan, Chelsea’s degree is in communications with a minor in youth ministry and spanish. A great team we are!


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