by Sonlight | Jul 14, 2014 | July 2014, Staff
2014 Summer Staff- what a crew! Erin Burr: Returning for her second summer on counseling staff, Erin has a long Sonlight history as a camper. Hometown Los Alamos. Student at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Best part of camp: “Watching Winston...
by Sonlight | May 30, 2013 | May 2013, Staff
Summer 2013! Camp is busy with energy : chatter : great food : and lots of training and planning. 24 of us on site preparing for opening day of Summer 2013 on Sunday. We love the returning staff, and are thankful for the freshness of our new staff. Check out staff...
by Sonlight | May 14, 2013 | May 2013, One day at a time, Staff
Sara Tyler, our dear and talented registrar, along with her husband and two little ones, came all the way from Harpursville, New York to visit camp this past weekend. We sure did appreciate help from her daughter in the kitchen! Training them young around here!...
by Sonlight | May 4, 2013 | May 2013, Staff
Temperatures are rising, the sun is shining, and Nick and Benji are shedding their winter fur. Haircut time!
by Sonlight | Apr 2, 2013 | March 2013, Staff
Summer staff 2013! Pray for us as we prepare for summer: Specifically for our lives to honor God as we live the presence of Jesus with campers : moisture (water!) : low fire danger : safety for campers and staff : many days with laughter and fun : humble hearts as we...
by Sonlight | Mar 22, 2013 | March 2013, Staff
Just want to give a shout out to our high school intern, Molly Black, who is finishing up her time with us today! Molly is a high school camper from Durango, Colorado, who chose to do her 3 week junior year LINK internship here at Sonlight. Molly’s...