Authentic Faith

“It’s the experience that brings people in the door…deliver an authentic experience of emotional strength, spontaneity, and simultaneity….” -The Gospel According To Starbucks Why do Sonlight camps fill up year after year? Great food?...

“Maybe Christmas,  he (the Grinch) thought, doesn’t come from a store”  Dr. Seuss  Canyon street:  Boulder, Colorado. Such a joyful spirit of optimism and hope. Merry Christmas!

Christmas Trees & Plans!

Christmas season, christmas trees, and planning for summer 2012. Games, dance and staff training- Winston, Heather, Kt Mac and Mary had a productive afternoon at Durango coffee. Great ideas coming your way!     

Warm & Cozy

A big shout out to Summer Staff 2011!  Thanks to all their hard work sawing, hauling, chopping, stacking, and stocking wood in the hot summer sun, we are able to keep warm during the snowy and chilly winter. They’re the best! -Heather

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