
Tug A War at the Mud Pond

(circa 1989)

Sonlight had a thick long rope that we used for tug a war games. On Friday afternoon, during messy games, we decided to go to the mud pond and have our tug a war with some real mud and water. If you lose, you might as well lose BIG! We had multiple contest across the mud pond, cabin vs cabin, girls vs girls by grade, same with the boys, boys vs girls and then the final contest was all the campers vs all the counselors and staff. As the adults were out numbered by two to one, we lost big time. We were all muddy and very wet from our good but failed effort.

A rematch was called for. So all the campers got on one end of the long rope and all the adults on the other end. We told the two side to huddle and plan their strategy. As the adults huddled together, I noticed a huge tree stump near where we were huddling. So, I quietly tied the end of our rope around the base of the stump.

Everyone got in position and the contest began again. The campers would pull and the the staff and counselors would pull. Back and forth both sides went. The campers were tiring out. Finally, the adults were able to pull the very tired campers into the mud and water. We won! Sort of. We admitted what we had done with the tree stump and the rope. We were disqualified and the campers got victory.

Just another fun memory on messy games day.

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