“Sonlight is God’s camp, but it takes the children of God to live it out. God’s reckless love, endearing compassion, immense joy and free will are amplified because of staff. And everything you do there, absolutely everything has to do with the kids and sharing divine love with them.”


Summer Time

Sonlight’s first backpack trip went out last week, our first ever Adventure Trekkers’.  Sonlight guides Greta and Austin, along with our counselor Bryce had a great week with the kids. They geocached, worked on team building skills at Sonlight and spent 3 days in the wilderness. Wrapping up their week they did some more geocaching and hiking on Wolf Creek pass. A great week and good introduction to the wilderness! Thanks Becca for all the planning!

Resident camps have been so great. Highlights include picnics on Kelsey’s Wild Place, the new mountain bikes, dining room dance parties and sing-a-longs, skits with Henry, our speakers Jaclyn, Sophia, Mark, Alan and Henry. Program day with carnies has been a lot of fun. Because of the heavy snow winter we we’re loving the wildflowers, green meadow and spring water.

This week youth from the Diocese of Victoria, Texas are at Sonlight. We have hosted their high school Rocky Mountain High retreat for 30+ years. Always a highlight to serve them for a week.

Backpack groups continue, and we’re finally seeing some of the high mountain trails open up from being snow packed, and the creeks are low enough to be crossable.

So many good things!

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