
Make Your Mark

Dorothy and Terry Mathers

From the mid-1980’s through the early 2000’s Dorothy and Terry Mathers faithfully came to Sonlight every Memorial Day to join in the Barnraisings, the work weekends when friends and family came to southwest Colorado and built Sonlight year by year. Terry Mathers and Stu Parks were in charge of cutting the logs, running the 16″ circular saw year after year. Together they cut almost every log in this place. Dot was so faithful with all the work to support the building crews, and help prepare the rest of the camp for summer. Cooking, cleaning, planting flowers, painting … the work she accomplished never went un-noticed. She set the example of grace and style amid the construction, working to go above and beyond in every task.

The construction and behind the scenes work set the stage for camp each summer. Dot and Terry faithfully served to prepare the place for ministry to happen. Beyond the work they accomplished each of those weekends Dot and Terry passed along their wisdom and skills. Dorothy taught us how to plant flowers and brought recipes that Sonlight still uses. Set an example  of organization and cleaning. Terry passed along handyman skills and tricks for maintaining things and helped sort out computer issues.

Summer 2019 our theme is Make Your Mark. Dorothy passed away June 1, 2019 and we are reminded of the mark she left on each one of us and the camp that Sonlight is today. The imprint of her life is being passed on to generations of campers and staff and through her we see the mark of Christ. Thanks Dorothy for  life well lived, for your friendship and for the legacy that you leave.

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