New for 2017:
CampMinder is our new database system for all registrations / donations and alumni management. We’re learning, and we like it! If you have a camper registered for camp you’re familiar with the “Log In” button found on the Home page. Once you log in you can access all your camper information, send emails when your kids are at camp and view the daily photos. The photo system has been a bit of a challenge with our slow, rural internet but we’re working out the kinks in the upload process as best as we can. New this year, you can download a downsized version of any photo, or purchase one or more photos. All proceeds go to the Sonlight scholarship fund. Also new this year, we’ll be loading our highlight video of each week to Vimeo. You’ll be provided the direct link when you receive an evaluation email after camp is over. Any issues with the system? Give us a call in the main office: 970.264.4379. We love to chat with our camp families.