
Sonlight Interview Series: The Dogs

With summer camp coming up soon, we thought it would be a great time to learn a little bit about some people that will be at camp this summer. When I say people, I actually mean dogs. That’s right, we have three furry friends that live at Sonlight year-round. We decided to ask our dog friends a few questions about their lives here at Sonlight, to get to know them a little bit better.

Our three dog friends:

Truman, Tope, and Sadie

Question 1: What is your favorite place/spot at camp?

Truman: Anywhere within 20 feet of Winston

Tope: Any patch of sun I can find

Sadie: Tope’s beanbag in the office

Question 2: What is your favorite meal at Sonlight?

Truman: Burger Cookout! People pet me and give me food!

Tope: Pork Chop Night

Sadie: Well, I do really enjoy my dog food and the dog treats that Mary gives me, but I’m sure I’ll have a new favorite meal after I spend a whole summer here. 

Question 3: Who is your favorite staff member at Sonlight?

Truman: I would say Winston, but I love getting pet by everyone!

Tope: I enjoy spending my days running through the woods, chasing animals (mostly the ravens), rather than hanging out with humans.

Sadie: Well Mary always gives me really yummy dog treats, so I’d have to say Mary

Question 4: What is your favorite camp activity?

Truman: Hike day! I love riding in the bus and running around somewhere new with my buddy Tope.

Tope: I love hike day. I’m also a fan of anytime during camp when I’m able to take a nap in the sun without being disturbed.

Sadie: Well, I haven’t really experienced much summer camp yet. So right now my favorite activity is randomly sprinting from one location to another.

Question 5: What are you most looking forward to this summer?

Truman: Probably getting pet by all of the people that will be here! Anytime I walk up to someone new, they always pet me – 100% of the time.

Tope: Honestly, for it to be warm again and I won’t be constantly shivering.

Sadie: I think I’m excited to learn more about Sonlight and myself. Also meet lots of new friends – and increase my running speed.

Thanks to our dog friends for being willing to answer some questions about themselves.

Make sure you introduce yourself to our dog friends when you’re at Sonlight this summer. They are excited to meet new people and see familiar faces! If you can’t find one of them, look for Winston, a patch of sun, or something running around in the distance: I’m sure you’ll find them then.

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