Fall colors are finally at camp, and it’s beautiful. The peaks aren’t as white as they were last week, but there is still snow in the shadows. What do we do in the fall? Wednesday Winston, Mary and Chelsea explored a new trail up to the base of SquareTop. We’ll be hiking that trail next summer with either High School or Adventure camp. Winston has the mowers serviced and put away, and he’s putting chains on the tractors, and getting the plows and snowblower mounted and ready to go. Summer brochures are about to go to the printers, and Mary is finishing up website updates for summer 2015 staff positions and applications. Each weekend we host a different group at camp, many Women’s retreats from churches in Durango, Pagosa, Albuquerque, Bayfield and Ignacio. Gals from the First United Methodist Church in Durango will be with us this weekend. We continue many conversations that we started this summer, both with campers and staff. We are reminded of the impact of summer camp, and how it changes lives. We are sad to see 2014 winding down, as it’s been a great summer and fall season, but we’re looking forward to all that summer 2015 will bring.