West Fork smoke

West Fork smoke

Smoke from the West Fork and Windy Pass fires have impacted camp this weekend, as it has settled in the valleys around us. The fires are approximately 12 miles north of Sonlight, in the Weminuche Wilderness. From the Archuleta County Emergency Information site:

West Fork Fire:  The fire made a significant push northward in the Weminuche Wilderness today and is burning at the junction of West Fork Trail and Beaver Creek; the fire has spotted to the east side of the West Fork Trail near Beaver Creek. Firefighters were able to make good progress with their structure protection efforts near Borns Lake. The Type 1 helicopter continued with water drops along the southern flank.


Windy Pass Fire:  The fire made several runs early in the day as it reached pockets of dead and down fuel.  A Type 2 helicopter made water drops today to help control the spread of the fire. A Type 3 Incident Commander has been brought in to manage the fire and will be supported by overhead on the Type 3 Team managing the West Fork Fire. The fire was estimated at 40 acres around 11 AM. 


Smoke settled into the West Fork area and Pagosa Springs overnight, but skies had cleared by mid-morning

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