Winter has come to Sonlight and capture -the-small-mouth-bass season is over for the year …. so what are Sonlight staff doing? A great question. We are just returning from some conference time, a board meeting and vacation time, and our clipboards are full of the ‘to do’ lists.
December projects include finishing up Nick’s cabin. .In addition to construction, Nick has maps out, and is coordinating permits for all the summer 2013 outcamp trips, as well as doing gear inventories, and planning for new gear purchases. Heather is preparing for the 2013 Sonlight Summer Camp brochures mailing the end of December. Staff hiring starts in early January, and Heather is jazzed about conversations with former staff, as well as meeting new folks interested in summer positions. We’ll hire about 26 college students to join us for summer 2013 – counselors, cooks, a nurse, backpack guides – support crew, and we’ll use behind the scenes volunteers, and volunteer speakers. Sara is finalizing registration details – Sonlight summer camp registration starts at 6am on January 2. Mary has finalized an article for the American Camp Association magazine, with a follow up to Sonlight’s participation in the “Healthy Camp Study”, the largest, most comprehensive study of camp-related injuries and illness ever undertaken.
In January, Sonlight will launch an Endowment for Sonlight: Give Sonlight To The Next Generation. Winston has been busy with organizing setting up an endowment. Watch your mail in January for details.
In addition to all that, Sonlight hosts winter groups – we look forward to the youth ski trip from St. John’s United Methodist Church (Santa Fe, NM) arriving after Christmas.
We actually DO work in the winter months – which is why summer is so darn incredible! Our days are full, and we appreciate the change in seasons, and the ebb and flow of camp.