The Finances of a Non-Profit Camp
Thanks to the Sonlight community of faithful donors we navigated 2 years of Covid impact, losing all our winter income and a significant bit of summer income. Thank you! In 2022 we returned to full youth camps. Our winter is slowly returning to a more normal rhythm.
We couldn’t do it without our friends! Donations have allowed Sonlight to offer scholarships to families who couldn’t otherwise afford camp. Donations have maintained facility and program allowing us to stay releveant. All donations (and Amazon purchases) are tax deductible, Sonlight is a 501(c)3 organization.
It’s a joy to partner, and together provide a great place for kids!
Additional Notes
Thanks to the Sonlight community our endowment is close to $2 million. The endowment will provide a revenue stream in perpetuity, and allow us to navigate un-anticipated challenges such as Covid.
Online Donation or Purchase From Amazon or Write A Check
To send a check saves credit card processing fees. Checks may be made out to Sonlight Camp. Mailed to PO Box 536 Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
There is a wish list of more items on our Amazon page. These items are things above and beyond our normal operating budget. You may buy directly from Amazon and it’ll be shipped to Sonlight. Your tax receipt will come from Sonlight. Prefer to use a different vendor? No problem!

Picnic Tables
4 Tables $600 | 1 Table $150
Materials only- we’ll do the labor! Some of our tables need replacing, and we wish to add more tables to comply with distancing

Continuing Education
4 Staff $1200 | 1 Staff $300
Our annual regional fall camp conference is invaluable education, networking and a resource for staff. If the conference is in person in 2022 Campers will benefit if our staff attend

Garage Door (Thanks! This has been Donated!)
1 Door $1500
The 1988 garage door is showing some fatigue. The 2 x 4 that Emrys uses to prop it up works pretty well, but he’d love to have the 2 x 4 available for other projects

Camp Minder
1 Year $5250
The Sonlight database is robust, managing our camper registrations, staff paperwork, alumni relationships and donations. Keeping this system in place is important to our operation

New Windows
Full Set $2000 | 1 Window $250
1 Window has been donated
Budget cuts interrupted the ongoing project of replacing 1980’s windows. Donations will allow us to continue the project and replace windows in the Lodge and Cathedral

Summer Flowers
Spring Purchase $400 | 1 flat $25
Traditionally we spend $400 for all the annuals we plant around camp. Along with the 32 geraniums we keep over the winter it adds a lot of cheerful color and keeps the hummingbirds happy

Grass Seed & Fertilizer
Seed & Fertilizer $500
Annually we aerate, fertilize and seed the meadow. Grass is way better to run on than dirt!

Anticipating an increase in requests for scholarship assistance to attend camp when we fully open up, the scholarship fund provides camp for kids