The Bath House Roof in Snow

The Bath House Roof in Snow

Stepping down off the snow to get to the roof of the bath houseBack in the days of heavy snow winters, the area between the lodge and Winchester Cathedral would get buried in snow. Deep snow. Snow would avalanche off both roofs. The little building in between was...
Two Charter Busses

Two Charter Busses

Two charter busses miss the turn off Four Mile Rd to Sonlight Placecirca early 1990’sIt was Christmas break and Brian Land brought his youth group from Katy, TX with two busses full of high school kids to Sonlight for a ski trip. After a good day of skiing, the...
The Bus Almost Made It

The Bus Almost Made It

The Bus almost made itIt was late on a Friday night in February. Actually, it was early (2AM) on Saturday morning. A youth group from Phoenix was headed our way. Southern Colorado was having an old fashion snow blizzard and the roads were a mess. I had plowed Sonlight...
Cat in the Cargo Trailer

Cat in the Cargo Trailer

Cat in the cargo trailerA Fall women’s retreat from the United Methodist Church in Farmington was departing on Sunday afternoon. Cars in the parking lot were being loaded as was a cargo trailer being pulled behind the church van. Vehicle doors were open and people...

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