
Sonlight in December is typically quieter than most months as we find ourselves between Fall Retreats and Winter Ski Groups. The snow is beginning to stick around, albeit we would like a lot more of it, and the decorations in the dining room have been replaced to reflect the upcoming holidays. As we find ourselves approaching Christmas day, we carry with us the Advent themes of hope, joy, peace, and love. This intentional time used to prepare our hearts for the birth of baby Jesus brings with it a sense of encouragement heading into a new year: hope for what is to come, joy for what has been, peace in the troubles, and love for one another. Before we know it we will find ourselves back in the hustle & bustle of the year, but for now, we hope you are able to find some rest in the presence of now.

The Sonlight Staff wishes you all a very merry Christmas and a blessed start to 2023. Our first ski group arrives from Tulsa, OK on the 27th, and Summer Camp registration opens January 2nd!

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