Why is Scotts’ Spot called Scotts’ Spot?

In the early years (circa 1990s) a young man named Scott Hudson from Albuquerque came to summer camp. Not unusual for kids to come to camp. However, this guy had muscular dystrophy. He was in a wheel chair, one with big rubber tires so he could push himself around the meadow. His father, Jack, came to camp with him as his care giver. Wonderful.

Scott joined right in with all the other campers…singing, worship, small groups, teams course. TEAMS COURSE? How could you do the teams course in a wheel chair? Not easy, that’s for sure. As we did the different stations Scott and his wheel chair did the same as everyone else. On the blind trust walk, Scott lead a “blind person” around the meadow. On the trust fall, we put Scott up on the platform and he fell back to be caught by his team mates. Then, we put his wheel chair up on the platform, pushed it off and his team mates caught his wheel chair. We pushed and pulled Scott up and over the 11’ wall and then we put Scott’s wheelchair up and over the 11 ‘ wall. Scott and his wheel chair were always together. So, where Scott went, his wheel chair also went. A team. Scott always had great ideas on how to solve a task or complete a station. He was very smart and kids listened to him.

Scott came to Sonlight every summer through his post high school graduation. A “super senior” he was. Scott went to UNM and graduated with a degree in history. He entered graduate school at UNM and earned a Masters in history. Not long after that he developed a brain tumor and passed away in 2008.

Sonlight wanted to do something to remember Scott. So, we built a place in the meadow where kids could go and hang out. Yes, it had a wheel chair ramp. It has swivel chairs that are not level. It is a fun place to have lunch, small group discussions and simply sit.

Scott was an amazing young man. His humor, laughter and conversation will always be missed. We love you, Scott.

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