Registration Day! It’s here!
We celebrate January 2nd as if it were a national holiday! Because to us… is! Although there is over 3 feet of snow on the ground, we can’t help but smile each day that gets us closer to Summer Camp!
The day starts at 8am when the system goes live for summer camp registration. It’s quite magical because within moments we begin seeing name after name roll across our system. 10-day, Junior Camp, Grand Camp, Discovery, Adventure! One after the next. Name after name. By 9:30 in the morning, we had campers registered in every single camp.
And the best part…We celebrate each and every person. It’s kind of like reuniting with our family after a not seeing them for a while.
“Did you see that Quinn signed up?!”, I yell from my office.
“Yes! And Stella and Zach too!”, shouts Sara from hers.
“I just got a call from Dorothy, she’s sending ALL the grand kids to camp this year!”
Registration day is just the start to a wonderful and exciting summer camp season. It means that Summer is just around the corner, and we cannot wait!
So what are you waiting for? Go register right now! We want to shout and rejoice over your name too!
What are you waiting for?