2017 Mind the Gap: Morning Devotion
1 Timothy 5:1-2
“As if.” 1 Timothy encourages us to view each other differently within the Church. We treat older men “as if” they were our father. We treat older women “as if” they were our mother. We treat peers (and younger) “as if” they were our sisters and brothers.
We in the Church do not let our interest in each other beyond the job or the task at hand. I want to know more about you than what time you’ll show up for work, and whether you want to share a ride to the trailhead. I want to know how I can talk with you and serve you in your life. I am fascinated by how the Spirit may be working in your life, and if I may be a part of your growth.
I had a friend in high school whose parents allowed me to hang out at their house all the time. When 5:00 rolled around and we were working on our homework, his mother would call, “Dinner time,” and I’d go up to discover that they’d set a place for me. His parents took notice of my moods, asked about my relationships, and gave me unsolicited advice. This went on for a while, and I accepted it in an oblivious adolescent way. I didn’t really dawn on me until I got there after school one day, and this mother told me that she had bought Milky Way ice cream bars at the grocery store, just for me. I had become one of the family.
Christians view other members of the Church as gifts from God. Older members are gifts of parental advice, wise oversight, and loving support. Peers are truth-tellers, accountability partners, and fellow-risk-takers. Children are shared responsibility, proteges, and factories for our humility. We adopt each other, even though there is no worldly requirement to do so.
Call to mind for a moment someone who adopted you as a daughter, son, mentee, or friend, whose presence has been a special grace in your life.
During the gaps in our lives, when we have stepped away from the usual course—like coming to camp—we can sometimes see with greater clarity the blessings of others from whom we have a little more distance. When you see them give thanks!