Wisdom from Kelsey
Full of life, love and wisdom, we lost a friend and mentor all too soon when Kelsey McLean did not survive a car accident in September. We miss her every day.
The legacy Kelsey leaves on this earth and her impact on friends, family, Sonlight campers and staff continues. To remind us of those things she taught us Sonlight will post a “Kelsey Wisdom” each week through 2016.
This first wisdom is long, but so important. Read on!
Kelsey was an encourager of “doing you.” It was one of her most common pieces of advice. “Kelsey, what should I wear to dinner tonight?” “Do you,” she’d reply. “Kelsey, should I go running today or go to yoga? “Do you,” she’d say. “Kels, this winter, should I go to Turkey and travel or go galavant around South America?” “Just do you, girl.”
What she meant by this phrase—“Do you”—I think is this: Kelsey loved each and every individual for exactly who they were. She believed in a thing called unconditional love, where you don’t pass judgement, you simply love people for exactly who they are at every point in their life. And this is what she loved about her humans—her real, raw people who were not ashamed of their silly little quirks, of the funny ways they functioned, of the uniquely individual ways in which they brightened Kelsey’s world. Kelsey’s phrase “Do You” is merely a shortened expression of: “I love you exactly how you are, and that is how you should carry yourself in the world. You should do things exactly how you would like to because you make this world a more beautiful place and I wouldn’t want you in my life any other way.”