To offer yourself freely and joyfully. This is the work that lasts.

Emrys Tyler


Through fall and winter I had the blessed opportunity of helping to host the guests that come to Sonlight—to worship, to pray, to learn, and to ski. Sometimes they are here for a weekend, sometimes for a whole week. Many of the groups are composed mainly of middle-school and high-school students, with their adult leaders.

As we prepare the meals, wash the dishes, and set out the furnishings for s’mores, I get to watch from the sidelines while the adult leaders give their time and their hearts to nurturing youth. A few of the adults bring groups to Sonlight because it’s part of their work. But many more have sacrificed their weekend, their hard-earned vacation time, and their opportunity for rest. They offer themselves, freely and joyfully, for the work of leading youth into a stronger relationship with Christ.

Here is a sure sign of the Spirit at work. These adults could rightfully have chosen from any number of self-centered activities for their time off. They have given it up for the intense, messy, sometimes exhausting work of caring for youth. I don’t know whether they have ever read Sonlight’s mission: “Be with kids, and show them God.” But they are doing it.

This is the work that lasts, and I am honored to be a part of a place where the love of Christ can pass from one generation to the next. And for every sacrifice of time and talent to be with kids, I give thanks to God. These are the sacrifices that will yield forty, sixty, and a hundred fold in time and eternity.

~ emrys

Incoming Director

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